WildeWood Farm, Inc.
Experience the Difference


We actively participate at the local Rolling Hills (RH), Brownwood, and Horse Show Ventures at Will's Park in Alpharetta. Once a student can competently walk and trot, he/she can participate (with Hannah's approval). Here are some guidelines to help you prepare for the horse show.

Several times a year, we host barn shows for all the students regardless of age or skill. The participants are not required to "dress up" and only a small entry fee will apply.

For the 2012 show season, we're planning on attending all the RH shows (once a month from Feb. - Nov.) and also adding one other show every other month (Brownwood, HSV).


* Each participant will be required to pay for their own class fees (typically about $10 a class).

* Office and grounds fee (usually around $35 for both).

* Horse rental/trailering, and a lesson fee: $125 a day to use one of our horses and have a coach on hand

* If you share a horse with another rider: $100.

* If you bring your own horse and trailer: then all you'd owe is a $45 lesson fee.

* If you have your own horse and use our trailer: $100

* If you have more than one child showing, it's $75/per kid

* An average show here with 3 classes runs about $170.

Show Checklist


Download Show Checklist

Show Results


RHSC 2009 Year End Results

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